
Questions To Ask Your Hernia Surgeon Before Hernia Surgery

Whether you already know you need hernia surgery or you suspect you may need one, knowledge is power, and it can help to reduce anxiety. Knowing what to expect is one way to put your mind at ease, so the team at Premier Surgical Lawson Group in Johnson City urges you to be ready with lots of questions to ask your hernia surgeon before hernia surgery.

doctor and patient consultation before surgeryDo I Need Hernia Surgery Right Now?

In fact, you may not need to have surgery right away. This depends on your symptoms, how much discomfort you are experiencing, and if it is affecting your life activities. If the discomfort is minimal, you may be able to safely delay surgery. You and your Premier Lawson Group surgeon will keep a watchful eye for any changes.

What Are The Different Types Of Hernia Surgery, And What Kind Is Best For Me?

There is the traditional open hernia surgery with a large incision, and then there are less invasive types of hernia surgery.

Robotic hernia surgery and laparoscopic surgery are two less invasive methods of performing a hernia repair. Both use tiny incisions with special instruments. A small camera is inserted into one of the incisions so the surgeon can see in close detail the hernia and be able to make the repair. These types of repairs have a number of benefits over open surgery.

They include the following:

  • Shorter procedure time
  • Faster recovery time
  • Less complications
  • Less blood loss due to smaller incisions
  • Less pain post surgery
  • Faster return to daily activities

The robotic surgery does have another benefit over laparoscopic surgery in that it has 3D magnification in high definition for improved visibility and accuracy.

If you are having groin, incisional, umbilical or hiatal hernia surgery, you may be a good candidate for the robotic method. After a thorough exam, our surgeons should be able to tell you the type of surgery best for you.

Will You Use Mesh?

For certain repairs like ventral, incisional, and inguinal, mesh is standard of care. Mesh strengthens the area and reduces the development of another hernia. Our surgeons look at each patient, their medical history, and general health before determining if mesh is best.

One advantage of using mesh is that it reduces the time in surgery and your recovery time.

What Complications Might I Encounter?

Although hernia surgery is very safe, as with any procedure, there is no guarantee it will be complication free.

Patients who smoke, are obese, have poorly controlled diabetes, are older, or are having revision surgery from a prior hernia are at a higher risk of complications.

It is imperative to choose a surgeon with a lot of experience and who is willing to answer all your questions like Premier Surgical Lawson Group in the Tri-Cities.

What Will My Recovery Be Like?

Expect some mild to moderate pain after surgery. It depends on your age, your overall health, the type of hernia, and the expertise of the surgeon. In general it takes 4-6 weeks to recover from open surgery, 3-4 weeks after laparoscopic surgery, and 2 weeks after robotic repair.

If you would like to schedule a consultation or have additional questions about an upcoming hernia surgery, contact Premier Surgical Lawson Group at (423) 975-5650 for more detailed answers.